Benz Eye View: Ricki and the Flash

Ricki and the Flash
Ricki and the Flash


All the actors (especially Meryl Streep, as usual) are great.  They all play their roles well, making them convincing.

The comedy is very subtle and funny, because it matches towards the characters and their situations.

Great singing performance by Meryl Streep…


…Although, there are a little too many songs placed in this movie.

This movie is pretty slow, so this may not be for people who are waiting for the movie’s story to be resolved.

*SLIGHT SPOILERS* The resolution between Ricki and her daughter is satisfying (if a bit rushed), but her resolution on her sons was not since we barely get to see them that much.


I do not have much to say about this movie other than it is pretty good.  Even though there are certain elements I do not really like/agree, I did enjoy the story of a mother who has to rekindle her relationship with her family (particularly her daughter), which is interesting that the daughter, Julie is played by Meryl Streep’s actual daughter, Mamie Gummer.  Give this a watch, but for certain people, I am sure they are not going to like a couple things they talk about (you will know what I mean if you watch it).


Benz Eye View: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


The two main actors (Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer) have a decent friendship (if cliched) chemistry.

There are a few jokes that I found pretty funny, but there is one great joke by the end of the second act.

It certainly feels like a movie with 60’s era inspiration with a mixture of modern filming.


I can barely tell what is going on most of the very few action sequences.  The camera is too close into the action, and there are too many cuts going on these moments.

The story is predictable and cliched with very slow pacing.  If you have seen any movie involving two action partners not liking each other, but end up being close friends, you seen this movie.  Even the villain’s defeat is a bit funny, but anticlimactic.

The editing style of flashbacks to remember what happened in a different person’s point of view which is reminiscent to director Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes movies does not work here.  Instead of being though-provoking and revelating, it ends up being confusing and annoying.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is based on a TV series back in the 1960s.  I do not know much after that other than it is kind of like James Bond.  Since I have no knowledge of the show, I will rank this movie on its own merits.  I do not like it.  The main reason is that I have seen movies done like what this movie did, but better (i.e. Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes, the old James Bond films).  Even ignoring that, I did not find anything happening in this movie interesting.  The problem is how slow it goes as it progresses.  They tried to take advantage of this by having its comedy and actors (who are decent) pull it off, but it does not work.  I will say it is better than the terrible Fantastic Four (2015) movie.  If you are forced to watch any of the two films I mentioned, the Man from U.N.C.L.E. is a better choice, but I cannot say much of it.


Benz Eye View: Fantastic Four (2015)

Fantastic Four (2015)
Fantastic Four (2015)


The main actors are great, and they have pretty good chemistry with each other.  However, there is one problem with that…


…For a movie called the Fantastic Four, the four main heroes are not seen together until the final act of the movie.  This is ridiculous since throughout most of the movie, two or three of the heroes hang out with each other, while one is out of commission for some odd reason.

It does not help that the writing is terrible, along with bad pacing and subplots (which there are plenty) that go absolutely nowhere.

Most of the special effects are awful.  There are many shots where I can tell that the actors are in front of a green screen, and special effects that looks incomplete enough to belong in a PS3 video game at best.


The Fantastic Four is a Marvel superhero group that is beloved by many comic book fans.  Unfortunately, they have the tendency for being terrible in other mediums outside of comic books.  In movies, the Roger Corman Fantastic Four in 1994 was never released in theaters, but it has been reported to be bad.  The Tim Story Fantastic Four movies (2005 and 2007) had its own problems as well.  In 2015, a Fantastic Four reboot has been released, and if you have not seen any other reviews already, I can help reinforce them by saying that this reboot is TERRIBLE.  I cannot believe they still manage to screw this up, and unable to make at least a decent movie.  There are a couple scenes that they do well, but it is not enough to save it.  It does not help that there have been behind-the-scenes reports of this movie’s downfall.  Some say that it is director Josh Trank’s fault for not doing well, and there are others that say 20th Century Fox interfered in the overall production.  Either way, their excuses will not save them from this awful delivery of a movie.  Say what you want about the Tim Story Fantastic Four movies, at least I can tell they have charm and some effort put into it.  This reboot has none with the exception of the main actors.  I will close this off with a suggestion for 20th Century Fox: You are doing pretty well the X-Men franchise.  However, I can tell that you cannot handle the Fantastic Four, so I suggest you give the movie rights back to Marvel Studios.  They know how to deal with a Marvel superhero group that they know well.  And to Marvel Studios, I do recommend keeping the main actors since they have great potential and work really well.  In the meantime, I will be surprised if this movie actually managed to get a sequel that Fox are planning to make.


Benz Eye View: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation


There is a great amount of action here.  Not only is it well done, but entertaining enough for any action enthusiasts.

There is also a great amount of suspense.  You are not exactly sure if Ethan Hunt is going to die/fail in many situations, especially when he screws up on a plan (although, this can be ruined if you watched the trailer, and memorized it).

…That is about it.


The story/plot is pretty basic.  The premise may be interesting, but not enough to be completely engaging or pleasing to anyone.  You may end up wishing for the movie to move along to the next action scene.

I argue that the story/plot in this movie is not as engaging as the last movie, because there are certain moments where I got bored, and found it to be predictable.

…That is about it.


The Mission: Impossible movies are great action flicks that everyone can enjoy (although, Mission: Impossible II is argued to be the worst one), and this next movie is no exception.  It delivers on its action sequences without shying away the movies’ style.  However, it does not do anything new like the last one, so this movie’s only memorable trait is its action/spy sequences.  I wish I can say more about this movie, but it does not give me much to talk about.  It is a good movie, and that is all.  If you are looking to be entertained with some action and spy business, this is for you.  If you are looking for a deep and compelling story, look elsewhere, because this movie does not deliver much on that department.
